Events in 2000

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Darstellungstheorie endlich-dimensionaler Algebren

Oberwolfach, Germany, February 20–26, 2000
Reiten, Ringel

50th Algebra Day

Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, April 15, 2000
Gabriel, Lusztig, Moody, Zelmanov

British Mathematical Colloquium

Including satellite meeting on rings and quantum groups organised by Crawley-Boevey and Jordan
Leeds, U.K., April 17–20
Atiyah, Donaldson, Friedman, Jantzen, Jones

Geometric Methods in Representation Theory

Bielefeld, Germany, April 25–28, 2000
Ringel, Röhrle

Conference: Representation Theory and Computational Algebra

Athens, Georgia, U.S.A., May 15–19, 2000
Alperin, Benson, Mason, Milgram, Rickard
Adem, Broué, Cannon

Mid-term workshop of the TMR-network Algebraic Lie Representations

IHP, Paris, France, May 22–25, 2000
Joseph, Rentschler

Conference: Representations of Algebras and Related Topics

Northeastern University, Boston, U.S.A., June 3–4, 2000

Conference: Combinatorics of Lie Type

Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., June 16–22, 2000
Brenti, Broué, Chari, Erdmann, Geck, Ginzburg, Jantzen, Kleshchev, Lehrer, Littelmann, Lusztig, Mathieu, Mathas, Moody, Okounkov, Putcha, Reeder, Shoji, Terao, Thibon, Wachs, Zelevinsky

Perspectives: Discrete Structures in Mathematics

Bielefeld, Germany, June 22–24, 2000
SFB 343

Algebra Tag

Institut für Experimentelle Mathematik, Essen, June 26, 2000

Workshop: Algebra – Representation Theory (NATO ASI) with Flemish Mornings

Constanța, Romania, August 2–12, 2000
Marki, van Oystaeyen, Roggenkamp, Stefanescu

Euroconference: Rings, Modules and Representations

Constanța, Romania, August 14–18, 2000
Marki, van Oystaeyen, Roggenkamp, Stefanescu


Beijing, China, August 21–September 1, 2000
Liu Shao-Xue

Summer School on Geometry of Quiver Representations and Preprojective Algebras

Isle of Thorn, U.K., September 10–17, 2000
Erdmann, Crawley-Boevey, Geiß

Algebra and Topology Week

Leicester, U.K., September 17–23, 2000

Workshop on Computer Algebra and Representation Theory

Bielefeld, Germany, September 25–27, 2000
Dräxler, Ringel

Workshop on Trends in Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry

Sponsor: ESF-programme Noncommutative Geometry
MPI, Bonn, Germany, September 25–30, 2000
Artin, Bavula, Connes, Manin, Procesi, Van Oystaeyen

Nikolaus conference

Aachen, Germany, December 7–9, 2000
Frank Lübeck

Schur Memoriam Workshop

Weizmann Institute, Israel, December 27–31, 2000
Andersen, Cherednik, Donkin, Ginzburg, Green, Gorelik, Kazhdan, Koenig, Kostant, Leclerc, Littelmann, Lusztig, Mathieu, Nazarov, Olshanski, Regev, Vasserot, Vershik